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Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel

Restaurant Highlight: Bio Solo Organico, Buenos Aires

Bio Solo Organico is not only the first organic vegetarian restaurant in Argentina, but also the whole of Latin America! Claudia Carrara is the pioneer that took the leap of opening her own vegetarian restaurant in Argentina’s charming capital of Buenos Aires. Everything started from the desire to bring her children up with the best possible nutrition. Soon enough, she began to sell natural dishes to her neighbours that she…

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Dining/ Restaurants/ Reviews/ Travel

Restaurant Highlight: Vaikuntha In Salta

While backpacking through South America, I wound up (aka got stuck) in northern Argentina for a few weeks, waiting for the snow to melt so that I could catch a bus into Bolivia. Argentina is known to be one of the meat capitals of the planet, but I was shown that change is quickly coming. Vaikuntha, a beautiful vegan restaurant in the Argentinian town of Salta is proof of that.…

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Cooking/ Recipes

Go Potatoes! Inspiration From Argentina

vegan paparella cheese

In the urban US, I enjoy easy access to a vast vegan pantry—Earth Balance sticks, coconut milk and oil, affordable raw nuts, and magical powders like agar and xantham gum await me at the market down the street. For cheeses, I can get all the ingredients and make my own nut cheeses; grab Daiya, Follow Your Heart, or Chao; or purchase a variety of gourmet cheeses: Kite Hill, Punk Rawk Labs, Heidi-Ho,…

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