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Swansea (3)

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Artifakt Gallery & Cafe
26 Franklin St ~ : +61-362579095
Moderate -- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Western, Beer/Wine, Australian, Non-veg -- Additional Info: Serves meat, vegan options available. Vegan choices include a burger and sweet slices. Other items can be made vegan by omission, including avocado on toast, baked beans and mushrooms, muesli with coconut yoghurt. Staff is knowledgeable about the food and options. Mon-Sun 8:00am-4:00pm, Fri-Sat 5:00pm-8:30pm -- Rating: 4 Happycow(s)

Homestead Restaurant
12990 Tasman Highway (at Piermont Retreat) ~ : +61-362578131
Expensive -- Lacto, Ovo, International, Non-veg -- Additional Info: Serves meat, vegan options available. Upscale restaurant within Piermont Retreat offering a set vegan menu. -- Rating: Not rated yet

Kate's Berry Farm
12 Addison St ~ : +61-362578428
Moderate -- Lacto, Ovo, Western, French, Non-veg -- Additional Info: Serves meat, vegan options available. Berry farm and cafe. Staff will work with you to make something vegan. Sells vegan dark chocolate, jams, and relishes. -- Rating: 3 Happycow(s)

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