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Altmunster (2)

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Vegane Wohnzimmer
14 Schloßholzweg ~ : +43-6607859646
Moderate -- -- Additional Info: Vegan non-profit project of the association: "Anukis Akademie". Promotes veganism through cooking and baking courses, coffee meet-ups, book club, yoga club and more. Additional information and details can be found on main website. -- Rating: 4 Happycow(s)

Die Strandung
Fischerweg, Esplanade ~ : +43-69912584874
Moderate -- Lacto, Ovo, American, Fast food, Beer/Wine -- Additional Info: A small bar on the beach offers a few dishes, including vegan pommes frittes (and a veggy burger that could be vegan or could possibly be made vegan). Outdoor seating. Cash only. Mon-Sun 08:00-23:00 -- Rating: 4 Happycow(s)

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