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Pondok Vegetarian 9988
Pasiran ~ : +62-82110397803
Inexpensive -- Vegan, Chinese, Asian, Indonesian -- Additional Info: Serves a variety of rice and noodle dishes that are all-vegan. Outdoor seating. Cash only. -- Rating: Not rated yet

Berkah Kita
Jl. Tsjafiuddin 15 E-F, Singkawang ~ : +62-562633109
Inexpensive -- Vegan-friendly, Fast food, Indonesian -- Additional Info: Veggie restaurant offering many choices. Cash only. -- Rating: 4 Happycow(s)

Gembira Ria
Jln. Gg. Gajah Mada 1 ~ : +62-8125765010
Inexpensive -- Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Buffet, Fast food, Indonesian -- Additional Info: Vegetarian restaurant est. since the late-2000s previously t Jl Agus Salim. Note that the map marker may be a rough approximation only. Cash only. -- Rating: 4 Happycow(s)

Maitreya Vegetarian
Jl. Tsjafioeddin 15-C, Singkawang ~ : +62-562635212
Inexpensive -- Vegan-friendly, Buffet, Fast food, Indonesian -- Additional Info: Vegetarian restaurant with comfortable setting and large menu. Cash only. -- Rating: 4.5 Happycow(s)

RM Vegetarian Diet Sehat
Jalan Hermansyah 58B, Melayu, Singkawang ~ : +62-562636266
Inexpensive -- Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Buffet, Fast food, Indonesian -- Additional Info: The oldest vegetarian restaurant in Singkawang city. Menu offers local Indonesian and Chinese style dishes. Cash only. -- Rating: 4 Happycow(s)

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