Alan Watts was rumored to be a vegetarian philosopher, theologian

Birthday: January 6, 1915
Birth Place: Kent, England

VegSource: The interview is not in the internet but his quote is around the web.Probably my favorite response someone had was Alan Watts giving his reason for why he was a vegetarian. He said, "I am a vegetarian because cows scream louder than carrots."

Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience.



Points +11

Posted on 03 Jun 2021

For Watts, vegetarianism is simply an attempt to evade the fact that life feeds on life, that the universe is a vast web of creation and destruction. A vegetarian is just a person who spares his own feelings by killing creatures that can’t scream. Vegetarianism is an attempt to remove man from nature, rather than to embrace nature and plunge into it. As such, vegetarianism can be part of an ascetic retreat from life. But Watts will have none of that


Points +18

Posted on 15 Jan 2019

That's not true. RH Blyth said this to Watts and Alan Watts simply commented on it duribg a talk once.

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