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To reissausta ja ruokaa: the place has tofu options and vegan cheese listed in their menu as of today - threrefore they are aiming to appeal to a vegan audience. Plenty of places haven't got a clue when it comes to vegan beers or drinks - I just had a similar experience in the Michelin starred Farang also but there's a big difference between being a restaurant which politely tells you they haven't got a clue then try frantically to find out, or a bar (a place foremost associated with beers and wines), who appear in advertisements, to be vegan friendly then not having a clue & just giving a smarmy answer. I gave a real life experience as an end customer & am warning people that they'd better like drinking unexciting water & how they're going to be treated. Irrespective of wheter you like the place, work there or similar!

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